1, Maison Noble
Le Bourg, 33230 MARANSIN , Gironde

Contact commercial :

Marque Jean-Bertrand

Présentation de l’entreprise

250 years of an uninterrupted family passion!
Here are the trades my ancestors excelled at: coopers, wine storehouse equipment makers, wine merchants and wine growers…

Pierre Marque, my grandfather told me it all started in 1764: at this date, Pierre Moreau, one of my ancestors, founds the Moreau cooperage in Cognac – one of the most famous cooperages in the world – who now belongs to the Cognac Remy Martin.
His descendants, Jean (1797), Richard (1827), Frederic (1855) and Jean (1887) manage in turn this family business.

G.Pepin, another of my ancestors founded in 1811 the only French company specialized in the treatment and the packaging of wine and while exporting all over the world, Pepin-Gasquet employed up to 420 people in Bordeaux. My great uncle, Jean Bacqué, manages for years this business, exporting filters, wine-presses and other equipment all over the world. At the time, Pepin Gasquet’s company also owns Château Ségur, a well-known chateau in the Medoc area.

Andrée Moreau, my great-grand mother, marries in 1913Abel Albert who takes over from his father François who founded a wine-trade company in Angouleme near Bordeaux in 1880. In 1929, Abel recruits Pierre Marque, my grand-father, as his sales-representative, though he travels constantly he finds time to fall madly in love with ABEL’s only daughter Jacqueline whom he marries in 1937 at the age of 26 when she is only 17! Pierre manages this business until 1974 when my father Philippe Marque takes over the company’s management.

As early as1941, Abel satisfied with the way Pierre’s management skills asks him to run another family business Château Puyfromage which he owns together with Pierre Taittinger, founder since1932 of the very well-known champagne Taittinger and then mayor of Paris. This 45 hectares Bordeaux estate is now run by my uncle Frederic Marque who took over after my father Philippe had run it and developed it for over 35 years.

Présentation des produits

The soil, the vines and the winery…
Château Maison Noble is situated across two siliceous-clayey plateaus whose particular soil, which adapts easily to our climate, gives an elegant and fine wine and helps elaborating fairly homogeneous vintages.

On these 20 hectares we produce red wine, clairet -rose wine- and also white wine: it takes 13 hectares of Merlot and 6 of Cabernet -Sauvignon to produce the red and rose and the white comes from1 hectare of Sauvignon Blanc; we plant 4500 vines to an hectare and the vines are generally over 25 years old: when the vine-plants grow older their roots run deeper into the soil and the plants show even more the qualities of the “terroir”! This vineyard is really run according to the best tradition of Bordeaux’ fine wines: we limit the treatments to what is strictly necessary to get healthy grapes, the fundamental base to good quality wine.

Catégorie(s) de produits

Vins de Bordeaux

Zone(s) de commercialisation

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